Wild Blue Phlox

Wild Blue Phlox

Phlox Divaricata

Wild Blue Phlox is a spring flower often found along streams and in open woods. It forms clumps 12 inches tall covered with delicate blue-lavender flowers. This plant is spectacular as a mass in open woodland, perfect for the border of a shade garden or naturalized in sweeps at the base of large trees. Woodland phlox prefers moist, rich, well-drained soil and high open shade. It can tolerate sunny conditions with moisture, but will go dormant in drought conditions. Wild Blue Phlox can be used as a showy ground cover that will naturalize and has pretty, fragrant flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. While it may not appeal to deer, rabbits seem to like Wild Blue Phlox.

To distinguish it from the invasive non-native Dame’s Rocket, note that Dame’s Rocket has four flower petals and the native Wild Blue Phlox has five petals. Furthermore, Dame’s Rocket has alternating leaves, but Phlox has opposite leaves.


General Information:

Mature Height:  1 Foot
Mature Width:  1 Foot

Flower Color:  Violet/Blue
Fall Color:  N/A

Soil Type:

Dry Mesic, Mesic, Moist


Full Sun, Partial Shade 

Bloom Period:


Pair With:

Sprengel’s Sedge

Early Meadowrue

Shooting Star