

Chelone Glabra

Turtlehead is named for its pretty white blossoms, which resemble a turtle head poking out from its shell. It is an important host plant for butterflies and its nectar also attracts bumblebees and ruby-throated hummingbirds.  Turtlehead likes wet to moist soils and full to part sun. The plants have deep green foliage of lance-shaped leaves on upright stems and grow to 5′ tall. They make a good choice for border and wet meadow plantings and will provide a late summer bloom.



General Information:

Mature Height:  5 Feet
Mature Width:  3 Feet

Flower Color:  White
Fall Color:  N/A


Soil Type:

Wet, Mesic


Full to Partial Sun


Bloom Period:


Pair With:

Butterfly weed

Sand coreopsis

Prairie dropseed