Shooting Star

Shooting Star

Dodecatheon Meadia

“Shooting Star” is a great choice of a common name for an uncommon plant. Blooming midApril through the end of June in the Chicago area, the dainty pink, lilac or white blooms are borne on 9 to 15” stalks above the leaves. The flowers have petals that are bent backwards to look like a “shooting star.” Grow in moist, well-drained soil in part shade to full shade.



General Information:

Mature Height: 1 Foot
Mature Width:  1 Foot

Flower Color:  White/Pink
Fall Color:  N/A

Soil Type:

Dry, Dry Mesic, Mesic, Moist


Full Sun, Partial Shade 

Bloom Period:




Pair With:

Wild Hyacinth

Virginia Bluebells

Jacob’s Ladder