Great Blue Lobelia

Great Blue Lobelia

Lobelia Siphilitica

Lobelia siphilitica, commonly called great lobelia or blue cardinal flower, is a perennial which typically grows in moist to wet locations along streams, sloughs, springs, swamps, meadows and in low wooded areas. It is easily grown in rich, humusy, medium to wet soils in full sun to part shade, but it needs constant moisture. The plant may self-seed in optimum growing conditions, forming attractive colonies.



General Information:

Mature Height:  1-3 Feet
Mature Width:  1 Foot

Flower Color:  Blue
Fall Color:  N/A

Soil Type:

Wet, Mesic


Full Sun, Partial Shade 

Bloom Period:


Pair With:


Swamp Milkweed

Obedient Plant