
Cultivating Our Future Environmental Stewards

The mission of Conservation@School is to provide the opportunity for high school students to engage in the environment through a variety of experiences including classroom programs, hands-on fieldwork, career exploration, internships and extracurricular activities.

Barrington Area Conservation Trust believes that everyone can make a difference in the natural world and is especially committed to developing our next generation of environmental stewards while fostering a commitment to conservation and the community.


Since 2012, BACT has worked with Barrington High School horticulture and environmental science students on native plant cultivation projects in the school’s greenhouses. These students have planted over 6,000 native plants at Pederson Preserve, located across the street from Barrington High School, greatly contributing to the restoration of this natural area.

In the Spring of 2015, Conservation@School was formed with the support of Barrington High School teachers, students and administration to create an environmental program meeting the needs of students and staff. As part of the program, Environmental students learn about stream ecology and water quality monitoring of Flint Creek through the guidance, support and assistance of BACT.

Students create activities during Earth Week and participate in after school work-days at BACT preserves. Many Eagle Scouts have completed their wonderful projects at BACT preserves. There are always opportunities for more projects and ways to volunteer!